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【最後通知】教學發展中心辦理113學年度第2學期教學助理培訓,歡迎踴躍報名參加!TA training workshop for the spring semester of the 2024 academic year

發布日期 2025-02-17 08:00:00





  1. 報名網址https://enroll.wzu.edu.tw/WZActivityFront/#/Activity/Detail?Id=1386
  2. 報名截止時間:即日起至114219()17:00。預計221()寄發通知。
  3. 培訓時間2024224(星期一)0000分起至39(星期日)2359分止。
  4. 培訓方式:雲端學園(非同步線上)
  5. 證書取得資格:於規定培訓時間內完成所有課程指定條件(完成測驗、作業、問卷等)



  1. 已經取得本中心109學年度()之前112學年度之後的教學助理證書。
  2. 已經修完110學年度111學年度(不包含112學年度後)「工其有備-跨領域職場實務」微學分課程並取得學分。


教學助理培訓連絡人:高聖洋老師,分機2921E-mail: aa9505@mail.wzu.edu.tw




教務處教學發展中心 敬上


Dear faculty members and students,


Thank you for your time and attention! This is a letter informing you about the training for a teaching assistant (TA) and its regarding information.


Starting from this semester, to ensure progress of the TA hiring process opportunely, "Remedial Training " will no longer be accepted. If teachers have specific students in mind to serve as TAs, please be sure to inform those students to sign up for the training courses. We will send a list of TAs who have obtained their certificates to each department, allowing teachers to contact students in advance.


Kindly please find the following information regarding the TA Training Workshop / Program for the spring semester of the 2024 academic year:

  1. Enrollment URL:
  2. Enrollment Deadlines: Please enroll by 17:00 on February 19, 2025. Expected to send out notifications on February 21, 2025.
  3. Training Dates: From 2/24/2025 to 3/9/2025.
  4. Channel & Form: Cloud e-Learning(Asynchronous Online).
  5. Conditions for obtaining certificate: Completion of all course-specific requirements (tests, assignments, surveys, etc.) within the specified training period is a MUST.


Exempted Audience

    1. Students who have already acquired the certificate after 2023 from CFD/CTLD and before the Fall Semester 2020.
    2. Students who have already completed the course “Cross-disciplinary Workplace Practice” credits in 2021 or 2022 NOT including 2023.


Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.


TA Training Project Contact: Mr. Samuel Kao, Ext. #2921, aa9505@mail.wzu.edu.tw




Center for Teaching & Learning Development