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重要活動公告【專任(案)教師、專任教官及一、二級行政主管必讀】2024/9/3「113學年度教師專業知能成長研習會」【Full time teachers, contract teachers, military officers & chiefs of administration must read】2024 Professional Development Conference for Faculty on Sep. 3, 2024

發布日期 2024-07-17 11:40:00





  1. 議程:https://reurl.cc/0v37LA
  2. 地點:國璽會議廳、至善樓16樓。
  3. 參加對象:本次研習會為本校重要集會,本校專任教師、專案教師、專任教官以及一、二級非教師之職員主管均須參加,不克出席者,請在8/21前至資訊服務入口網差勤作業系統(https://sso.wzu.edu.tw/Portal/login.htm)請假,並確認請假獲准。
  4. 會議語言:此次研習語言為中文,不提供英語口譯服務,外籍老師若有需求,敬請各系自行派員協助。
  5. 午餐:本次研習會提供午餐便當,素食者請於113/8/21星期三前至https://reurl.cc/QR0p62 登記,若無收到登記,將為您預訂葷食便當已登記素食者之清單如https://reurl.cc/QR0p7b
  6. 環保措施為配合本校「減塑優先、無痕飲食-新生活運動」校內減塑與無痕飲食環境,敬請自備餐具(含:環保杯、筷子、湯匙等)
  7. 會議場所冷氣溫度難以調整到符合所有人需求,敬請自備外套保暖。
  8. 聯絡人:吳姿嫻小姐,分機2913e-mailfd3003@mail.wzu.edu.tw




祝 平安喜樂


教師發展中心 敬啟


Dear faculty members and chiefs of administration,


Hope all is well with you.


The 2024 Professional Development Conference for Faculty is scheduled to take place on Sep. 3, 2024 from 8:00 to 17:00.


  1. Agenda: https://reurl.cc/0v37LA
  2. Venue: Cardinal Shan International Conference Hall & 16th Floor of Zishan Hall.
  3. Attendees: All full-time teachers, contract teachers, military officers and chiefs of administration must attend this event. If you are unable to attend, please visit https://sso.wzu.edu.tw/Portal/login.htm to request leave of absence approval by Aug. 21, 2024.
  4. Language: The conference will be conducted in Chinese. Interpreting services will not be available. If international faculty members require interpreting service, please ask your department for help.
  5. Lunch: Boxed lunch will be provided.  If you are vegetarians, please visit https://reurl.cc/QR0p62 to apply for vegetarian boxed lunch by Aug. 21, 2024.  If we do not receive your registration, a non-vegetarian boxed lunch will be arranged for you.  The list of registered vegetarians can be found at https://reurl.cc/QR0p7b .
  6. Environmental Protection Policy: As part of our "Plastic Reduction: Environmental Protection Movement," please bring your own tableware, including your own cup, chopsticks, and spoon.
  7. Please bring your own jacket to keep warm as the temperature of the air-conditioned venue may not meet the needs of all attendees.
  8. Contact: Ms. Julie Wu, at phone extension 2913, fd3003@mail.wzu.edu.tw.


Thank you for your support and cooperation.


Best regards,


Center for Faculty Development