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教師發展中心自即日起至7月19日止辦理教育部113年度第2梯次數位學習課程認證收件 Welcome to apply for the MOE Distance Course Certification.

發布日期 2024-06-26 09:57:00



歡迎您將112學年度開設之遠距課程提送申請教育部113年度第2梯次數位學習課程認證,詳細資訊可至 教育部遠距教學交流暨認證網 進行了解。通過教育部數位學習課程認證之遠距課程另可依據「獎勵教師研發教材、教具實施要點」申請獎勵金並列入教師評鑑加分項目中。


業務承辦人:教師發展中心代理組長 高聖洋,分機2921

Dear faculty members,

You are welcome to submit your distance courses of 2023 academic year for the MOE Distance Learning Course Certification on 2024. The deadline for submissions for us will be on 19th July 2024 to facilitate subsequent operations.

The receiving date of certification will be started from 2024/8/1 to 2024/9/2. For more information, visit in the MOE Distance Learning Course Certification website: https://ace.moe.edu.tw/

Those who have passed the certification can also apply for the award according to the "Regulations for Award for Instructional Materials and Aids" and be included in the extra points for teacher evaluation.

Since 2018, nine distance courses have been accredited by the MOE. The Center for Faculty Development will assist you in understanding the details of the accreditation process and the skills of writing the accreditation documents, and will compile the applications for the school and report them to the MOE. Please send E-mail to us for further assistance.

Mr. Samuel Kao ext. 2921
Acting Division Director of Teaching materials section
Center for Faculty Development