
遠距教學 Online Learning

學生專區 Student Guide

學號啟用 Student Account Activation

資訊服務入口網 Information Service System

欲參與遠距教學之學生請先登入本校校務資訊系統確認學號是否正確啟用。 相關操作手冊如下連結所示:
Students should login to our school information service system to confirm the student account in order to participate in online distance learning. The relevant instructions is listed in the following link.

新生基本資料填寫操作手冊Manual for New Students

資訊服務入口網 學生操作手冊Manual for Information Service System

非同步教學平台 Asynchronous Learning Platform

雲端學園 Cloud e-Learning Platform

本校所有課程皆於雲端學園開設,學生請以校務資訊系統之帳號密碼登入雲端學園搜尋所屬課程。 相關操作手冊如下連結所示:
All of our courses are offered in the cloud e-earning platform. Students should login to the Cloud e-learning platform with their student account and password of information system to search for their courses.The relevant instructions is listed in the following link.

雲端學園 操作手冊 Manual for Cloud e-Learning Platform

同步教學平台 Synchronous Learning Platform